Cellular Respiration

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   1      2     3          
5       6               
9    10                  


2. Complex carbohydrate stored by animals. (8)
4. Added to fatty acids to make lipids. (8)
7. The group which joins with coenzyme A in aerobic respiration. (6)
8. The first stage of respiration which involves the splitting of glucose. (10)
9. Enzyme which catalyses the production of ATP. (1,1,1,8)
11. The chemical which attaches to acetyl coenzyme A to form citrate. (12)
12. The chemical produced by the splitting of glucose. (8)
13. An enzyme-controlled process by which a phosphate is added to a molecule. (13)
14. This builds up during severe physical excercise. (6,4)
15. Product of anaerobic respiration in animals. (6,4)
16. Anaerobic process which releases little energy. (12)


1. Complex carbohydrate stored in plants. (6)
3. A chemical which helps an enzyme. (8)
5. 6 carbon compound formed when oxaloacetate joins with acetyl coenzyme A. (7)
6. Alcohol formed as a result of anaerobic respiration in plants. (7)
10. Enzyme found in potatoes which builds starch. (13)